Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Trip to Japan

It has been a while since my last past. I decided to go to Sydney and I have been doing this contract job for the past few month. The contract is up in a few months, so it's time for another trip. A few friends that I made in Sydney are heading Japan in December. So, I thought I would start my trip with them and carry on to South Korea and China.


  1. Nice. I went to Tokyo a few years ago. It was great, but getting around was a bit of a mission. Unless you a fluent in Japanese xD

  2. Ooohw im so jealous! Can't wait for the time that I cant get on a airplane and fly away to make a trip of my life:)!

  3. Japan is definitely on my list of countries to visit. I'm not looking forward to the 20 hour flight though.
